Wednesday, October 21, 2015

First Frost!

We finally got killing frost last nite!  I am hearing my gardening friends are looking forward to it also.  I think we are tired of gardening for the season!

I started fall clean up outside early so I am about done already!  Now I am waiting for the hostas to get bit once more by frost so they all will give up and lie down.  It is so easy then to go out on a dry day and just pick the leaves up and haul them to the compost site!  Much quicker and easier than cutting them down!  Also no risk of spreading any disease that might be hiding in one waiting to be spread to another one!  Clearing the leaves away also removes the protection they provide for the slug eggs that are sleeping on the ground for the winter!  I'm all for that!

Today,  just before we went out for an errand,  we quickly pulled the dead begonias out of their pots and yanked up the sun impatiens for a quick trip to the compost site! Nothing attractive about dead plants hanging out of pots or curled up in the ground!   Next week I'll gather up my yard art pieces and tuck them away for their winter nap.  I have a few new tulips to plant  in the ground and then I am done with fall garden prep!

A few more views taken in Mother Nature's Garden Beds while on our fall color drive the other day:

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