Friday, January 16, 2015


Do you treat yourself to a Primrose in the spring when they appear at the big box stores so inexpensive?

In MN they are usually available early spring with bright colored flowers and ratting looking leaves. (Those leaves are bright green but tender & so easily torn so just trim the ratty looking ones off ).  I used to buy one or two occasionally and throw them away when they seem to be done blooming.  One year I tucked a plant in among the edge of one of my hosta beds in part shade and was rewarded each spring with a spot of bright color and it spread a bit so was lovely!  

While in AZ I just can't resist their happy faces since I've learned they will keep on blooming for a few months!  I just need to keep them out of direct sun and water them often!  Here I find two size plants and often  purchased some of each size!

English Primrose  -  Primula polonantha

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