Friday, January 30, 2015

Lantana a perfect perennial for AZ!

I enjoy finding this fabulous plant blooming all over in this low desert environment.

Lantana is one of several desert plants recommended for people who want desert plants that are perennial (you need to plant them only once), hardy, low care, relatively drought resistant, easy to find, pretty cheap to buy, and provide lovely color many times during the year. Locally, you will most often hear lantana pronounced: lan-tan-nuh.

The botanical name for lantana is Verbenaceae
I think I need to give this plant (it's an annual in MN) a try back home in Minnesota, it is beautiful, hearty and pretty carefree!  Loves sun and survives desert temperatures!  Sounds like my kind of annual!  Why I generally don't grow it I don't know. 

Here in the Phoenix area it is mostly used as a ground cover, or planting bed trim, or in hanging baskets since it spills over so nicely.

It is fast growing and flowers pretty much in lower temps as well as mid summer.  Lots of beautiful colors.

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