Friday, January 30, 2015

Lantana a perfect perennial for AZ!

I enjoy finding this fabulous plant blooming all over in this low desert environment.

Lantana is one of several desert plants recommended for people who want desert plants that are perennial (you need to plant them only once), hardy, low care, relatively drought resistant, easy to find, pretty cheap to buy, and provide lovely color many times during the year. Locally, you will most often hear lantana pronounced: lan-tan-nuh.

The botanical name for lantana is Verbenaceae
I think I need to give this plant (it's an annual in MN) a try back home in Minnesota, it is beautiful, hearty and pretty carefree!  Loves sun and survives desert temperatures!  Sounds like my kind of annual!  Why I generally don't grow it I don't know. 

Here in the Phoenix area it is mostly used as a ground cover, or planting bed trim, or in hanging baskets since it spills over so nicely.

It is fast growing and flowers pretty much in lower temps as well as mid summer.  Lots of beautiful colors.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

AZ Fairy Gardens

My friend, Harriett, planted a few Fairy Gardens and shared them in our recent class!  I am so proud of her!

A novice gardener venturing, just a year ago, into Fairy Gardening she did a fantastic job with these!  Of course, she had a great teacher!  (Ahemmm)

The garden with the orange patio set is especially cute as the scale of the furniture is about 1/2" to 1' so they are very tiny!  I'd  sure like to have one of these sets!  It is small enough to use in a tea cup or terrarium!

Perfect for a table indoors or out!
The little western shack is also special, not only is it small but it lights up!  Perfect Fairy Garden for a table!  Also, the desert succulent plant is a slow growing one and makes it perfect for indoors or out!

This attractive high desert country scene catches everyone's eye quickly!

That adorable angel seems be so pleased to be sitting at a beautiful patio set in a desert garden setting!  Yep, that's Rosemary planted behind the fairy's chair!  Yum yum!

Yep, Harriett's having lots of fun with her new hobby!

Friday, January 23, 2015

AZ Fairy Garden Class

Yesterday my friend, Harriet, and I had fun sharing our enjoyment of creating Fairy Gardens in AZ!

We had 25 interested people arrive at our invitation to do a bit of learning about Fairy or Miniature Gardening.  It was the first time I "talked gardening and fairies" with people from various points in North America which was a different fun experience!  After a sprinkle of fairy dust we got down to business including a demo with Harriet planting a Fairy Garden!

Our demo garden

Harriet playing in  the dirt!

A simple example of a fairy garden

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Palo Verde Tree

My favorite tree in AZ landscapes is the  Palo Verde tree, which just happens to be the State Tree.

I simply love the soft airy looking canopy with the unusual green trunk!  It isn't a huge tree, so is used extensively in landscapes.   Early spring it provides a bonus, yellow blossoms!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Desert Succulent Fairy Garden with an Asian flavor

Earlier this winter I found this adorable Buddha and temple while shopping for Xmas gifts.  Needless to say, I decided  I needed to gift myself and promptly began planning a Fairy Garden with an Asian influence.

I am just four days away from presenting a "How to make a Fairy Garden" class here in AZ featuring desert succulents, which is what is primarily available here for small plants.  So, succulent plants have a somewhat Asian feel to them and I needed a few examples to inspire my audience, who will be from all over North America.  I may do a bit of redesign with it when I get back to MN.

This Buddah is enjoying his little frog companion!

Friday, January 16, 2015


Do you treat yourself to a Primrose in the spring when they appear at the big box stores so inexpensive?

In MN they are usually available early spring with bright colored flowers and ratting looking leaves. (Those leaves are bright green but tender & so easily torn so just trim the ratty looking ones off ).  I used to buy one or two occasionally and throw them away when they seem to be done blooming.  One year I tucked a plant in among the edge of one of my hosta beds in part shade and was rewarded each spring with a spot of bright color and it spread a bit so was lovely!  

While in AZ I just can't resist their happy faces since I've learned they will keep on blooming for a few months!  I just need to keep them out of direct sun and water them often!  Here I find two size plants and often  purchased some of each size!

English Primrose  -  Primula polonantha

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Desert Suculents

Thanks Denny for driving me all over shopping for plants! 

 I think he has lots of patience to do this but knows it will keep me out of mischief for awhile!

I just have to get a  planter of mixed desert succulents to enjoy and then take home to enjoy until early October!  That's 10 months of enjoyment for only $23!  They are so great  in MN during the hot summer as they will take full sun with minimal watering for a whole week!  It takes me quite awhile to select the one I want as they are filled with a different variety of plants! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fairies live in AZ also!

My friend, Harriett, and I went to Queen Creek, AZ the other day searching for fairy garden accessories.  We are conducting a class on how to make Fairy/Miniature Gardens using desert succulents at The Citrus Gardens Mobile Home Park in Mesa, AZ in just two weeks!   We were researching a place where we can refer people to find a selection of Fairy Garden accessories!  We found a great little piece of fairy heaven called The Cottage at Queen Creek and it is chock full of accessories and neat ideas to make for happy fairies!  Can't wait to share it with others!  And maybe even have lunch near by!

Yep, we invested in some neat stuff!

Very creative owner also!

Sample of some of the fairy stuff!

Friday, January 9, 2015

What has arms but can't hug?

One of my favorite things in AZ is the Saguaro Cactus.

It is one signal I look for as we drive along in AZ because it tells me Mesa is getting close so I usually close up my "Nook" and start  looking seriously at the scenery!

Interesting to note, it takes 75 years before one of these grows an arm!  They are a protected cactus species in AZ.  So majestic and only grows in a small area in our country, which is where we are.
Check the link to a website that can provide you with some interesting information on them!

As you can see, the desert is not just bare sand!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Indoor Fairy Garden

Ready for spring!

Before we left for warmer temperatures for a few months,  I shoveled off the snow in my Indoor Fairy Garden .  We undecorated our home from the winter holidays décor before we left.  The house is all set for spring, including the fairy living on my desk.  I left her visiting with her friendly hedgehog so she isn't lonely.

All artificial plants....carefree living!