Sunday, March 20, 2022

Blue African Violet Time Again

A few evenings ago our garden club featured a newer member sharing her hobby of photographing nature, which includes flowers.  She focused on the use of the popular cell phones and some apps and tools designed to take cell phone photography up a notch!  Yes, I was inspired to get  busy again taking pictures of my indoor plants!  What fun I had this morning!

Just what I needed to shake me out of some boredom with this time of the year!

One of my favorite African Violets is an adorable blue one with fairly tiny size flowers.  I first purchased it in a miniature stage, or more correctly, it turned out to be a baby.  I finally moved it up to a larger pot when it filled that tiny pot it came in and two years later it is delighting me almost continually!  It is loaded with flowers and rests only about 4-5 weeks in between blooms.  Its leaves are on the small size but they are indeed abundant!

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