Friday, January 7, 2022

Gardening for the Health of it 2022!

 I have been involved in a joint project with area gardening organizations in the recent years, which has been such fun and so rewarding.   Due to Covid we've not been able to have our in person one day event each year.

However, for 2022 we are taking advantage of the popular digital seminars that have been appearing on the internet!  I've sure enjoyed participating in some of them this last year!

Realizing because they are digital and on the internet they are available to everyone regardless of their location so I am being sure you are aware of this awesome opportunity for you!

We use our local Community Education Program to help us make this happen, so registration is easy thru them, and how to do this is included in the below information.   To get the details of each seminar you can check the registration site and view the details on the presenter and contents of the seminar!  But I will also be reminding you of those details as we travel thru Feb. and March in plenty of time to remind you of this opportunity!

For more details or to register click here:

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