Sunday, January 30, 2022

My orchids are greeting me again!

 What a treat for January...  three of my 10 orchids have decided to brighten up my life!

It looks like 5 more plants are forming buds, so I am looking forward to expanding the display in the living room more in the next month or so!  So, am carefully watching the remaining two, which were purchased a bit later in the year originally.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

New ideas for gardening.....

 Gardening for the Health of It  Digital Seminar  coming up soon....

A few interesting concepts regarding how to garden!  Check it out!

                                 Robin Fruth-Dugstad

Robin has a BS in Horticulture from UW-River Falls and an MS in Horticulture from Iowa State. She has 30+ years of experience in the industry. She has been at RCTC for 25 years and has been a Post Bulletin columnist for 8 years   This is a 60 minute class plus 30 minutes of Question and Answer Time!    

Wicking beds are a unique and increasingly popular way to grow vegetables. Discover how wicking beds work and why Robin Fruth-Dugstad loves them. She will show you some great examples and leave you with ideas and instructions for creating your own. A Deep Winter Greenhouse (DWG) is a greenhouse designed to limit the amount of fossil fuel it takes to grow crops during cold winters. DWGs are passive-solar greenhouses that rely on energy from the sun to heat the building instead of more traditional heating sources.
Register for Alternative Gardening Ideas - Online Course at the Rochester Community Education web site!

Friday, January 7, 2022

Gardening for the Health of it 2022!

 I have been involved in a joint project with area gardening organizations in the recent years, which has been such fun and so rewarding.   Due to Covid we've not been able to have our in person one day event each year.

However, for 2022 we are taking advantage of the popular digital seminars that have been appearing on the internet!  I've sure enjoyed participating in some of them this last year!

Realizing because they are digital and on the internet they are available to everyone regardless of their location so I am being sure you are aware of this awesome opportunity for you!

We use our local Community Education Program to help us make this happen, so registration is easy thru them, and how to do this is included in the below information.   To get the details of each seminar you can check the registration site and view the details on the presenter and contents of the seminar!  But I will also be reminding you of those details as we travel thru Feb. and March in plenty of time to remind you of this opportunity!

For more details or to register click here:

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Gardening season on my mind each day now!

 My new view on the kitchen table for each day this winter.  To remind me of my faith in tomorrow, which is spring will come once again....   There should be enough daylight from the window to help keep it growing and healthy.  Dining with an adorable fairy and racoon, will bring smiles to our faces!

I rescued a few plants from an open terrarium I've had for 2021 and purchased a few new tiny plants to create this new scenery for my kitchen table.  Did not take long but got my fingers dirty and it felt good!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Good Morning 2022!

What a wonderful way to wake up on the first morning of 2022!

The fragrance of warm cinnamon rolls just out of the oven helps us deal with the thought of those outdoor temps of below zero wind chill!

Happy New Year to you all!  May you be able to appreciate and enjoy your loved ones each day!