Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Cactus Time!

 At last, I managed to get my Christmas Cactus to bloom!

After two years since receiving it, I finally discovered the secret to caring for this lovely plant with amazing blossoms!  Thank you internet!  Last year I just got a few buds that dropped off so I decided maybe I was doing something wrong!  Yep, I was!  So I moved it into a better place it would be happy living in ....cooler temps and indirect light, added a bit of fertilizer for flowering plants occasionally and was rewarded with blooms that are delightful!  

Yes, it is a different color than most of them, which is so lovely and soft among the holiday decorations this year!  The label says:  Zygo Limelight - white!  

Thanks, my friend, Tammy for such a lovely gift two years ago....I am looking forward to this long lived plant keeping you in my life for many long years!

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