Monday, December 20, 2021

Winter gnome moves into our neighborhood!

 A charming winter gnome has appeared in our neighborhood to brighten our winter scenery with cheer!

We have not learned its name yet!  But he is very welcome!

Recently a creative and fun loving family took an afternoon to create an extension of their family!   Yes, they sure do know how to have a festive and fun time.  It appears more neighborhoods have had one of these charming creatures appear to brighten up their scenery!  

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Speaking of door prizes and holiday parties...

Luck was with me again this year at that annual Garden Club Holiday Party....

The door prize that came home with me this year!

A good treat of a message of warmth and sun to remind me winter will end and summer will once again be here and gardening will begin again!  And it doesn't require much care and attention!  

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Winter Welcome Mat!

 I am thinking of  Mary, a special gardening friend I met at my Garden Club many years ago.  I won this beautiful basket as a door prize several years ago at the club's annual Holiday Party.  It was a donation to the door prizes from Mary and I absolutely love it.  As I decorate it every winter now for the front door, I think of her and that fun evening event she continues to chair every year!  Great food served and awesome visiting with garden friends makes it a festive evening!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Cactus Time!

 At last, I managed to get my Christmas Cactus to bloom!

After two years since receiving it, I finally discovered the secret to caring for this lovely plant with amazing blossoms!  Thank you internet!  Last year I just got a few buds that dropped off so I decided maybe I was doing something wrong!  Yep, I was!  So I moved it into a better place it would be happy living in ....cooler temps and indirect light, added a bit of fertilizer for flowering plants occasionally and was rewarded with blooms that are delightful!  

Yes, it is a different color than most of them, which is so lovely and soft among the holiday decorations this year!  The label says:  Zygo Limelight - white!  

Thanks, my friend, Tammy for such a lovely gift two years ago....I am looking forward to this long lived plant keeping you in my life for many long years!

Friday, December 10, 2021

First Snow this season!

 A peek out the back door at the first falling snow day of this season.....

Looks a bit cold out there and it needs a bit of holiday green and red bow to cheer it up!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Holiday Time Activity....

 Yep, tis the season for gingerbread house projects for the kids of all ages!

It is the perfect activity while waiting for that turkey to get done at a family gathering!

Our two great grand girls had lots of fun creating and eating the decorations!  Landscape designs were thoughtful indeed!  And tasty!