Monday, May 10, 2021

Our Annual Plant Shopping Trip...

 Once again, we took off for a day of plant shopping in Northern Iowa to the Mennonite Community Green Houses!  This year our caravan was four cars as we had some others join us!  Was fun, as usual.  We went to three garden centers and finally had to head home as the cars were full and our pockets sort of empty at the same time!   Lunch time was a good visiting time, as usual for a casual meal!  Sunny day but a bit of a chill in the wind but sunshine always makes the day great!

My total was 82 plants and Tammy drove and I rode with her.  Her first time going there and she loved it....plans to go again next year!   With all the popular and latest plants at half the cost of buying locally, we expand what we get for our money and have a fun day on top of it!

Example of a full car load!

A few mother-daughter combinations in this group of gardeners!

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