Monday, September 7, 2020

Garden Party Covid Style 2020

 What a wonderful event!

Our 80 year old garden club has not been able to meet since February due to the 2020 pandemic our world is experiencing.  So, when Linda, the event chair, decided to host our annual August Garden Party in her garden, covid style, I was so excited!  At last an opportunity to be able to meet and visit with some of my favorite people which  I have been missing since our club events had been in cancelled until further notice!  Our meeting location had closed, our Plant Sale location was closed, and our Garden Tour was not within safe covid guidelines!  

I arrived on the early side of the start time only to find at least 2/3's the attendees were already there and settled into some serious visiting and garden viewing!  It was all masks, some social distancing outdoors, ice cream treats from store freezers and bottles of ice cold water to quench our throats from the chatting we were doing!

We did a fun plant swap, as one of our usual happenings at this annual event.  

The change from a pot luck supper to ice cream treats was a  most enjoyable and another easy change of our usual happening at this event!  

Thanks Linda to you and your creative committee for providing us a way to socialize together in a very beautiful location!  

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