Monday, February 10, 2020

What do gardeners do in the winter?

Gardeners get together and have fun in the winter!

Our Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN does a few social events plus a good program speaker in Feb.!  

January we had a "Camp Lumberjack" event to share some great food, fun activities, socializing, win some door prizes, and even sip a few beverages while munching appetizers!

Everyone got into the "spirit" of the theme and there were lots of casual attire with plaid warm shirts and jeans!  I snagged an awesome door prize, a hand quilted table runner made by my favorite quilter artist!  (I have two other treasured runners she made)

A photo op was available for some fun memories!  

The axes were soft, made of fabric, and used in an axe toss game!

My door prize!

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