Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rain, rain go away.....

It seems we have hit a rainy day series here in Rochester!

Darn, I had just cleaned out my flower beds of weeds and dead leaves and sprinkled their annual dose of 10-10-10 fertilizer.  Next up was Preen to help reduce my weed crop!  Now I've got to wait out the rain!

First off I killed existing weeds that had wintered over with a new product package from RoundUP which comes with a neat wand powered by battery that dispenses weed killer thru a nice cupped end that allows you to target only the weed you want and avoid spray on any nearby plants!  I thought it over and decided it was for me to try.  I loved it!  I was able to hit all my weeds except for two that were too snuggled up to a perennial that I wanted to be sure I wouldn't kill along with the weed!  Saved me lots of digging work and in just a few days I saw those darn pesky weeds curling up and dying!  Yipeeee!

Regardless, I am waiting for a clear day ahead with rain to follow closely so I can spread my "Preen" to tamp down those weeds that are just waiting to pop up!

I happened to stop by our local History Center last week so I took a quick peek at the Welcome Garden Bed, that our Garden Club maintains, to see what might be peeking up.  Yep, I caught some daffies in bloom and they looked so SPRINGY!  Just had to take a picture to share with you!

Next I'm heading out to get my bright yellow Pansy Pot to brighten up my garage doors/driveway where I can see them often!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

New home for a lucky bird!

Wow, not sure exactly where we will hang this new home for a bird this spring!  (We are missing the trees we had at the lake this year!)  There is only one tree in our yard at home, but  am sure we can't miss on getting a special nesting bird in this classy new home!

Gee, the roof is from 100 year old ceiling tin, 100 year old barn wood, and Lake Superior driftwood decorations!  How lucky the bird who moves into this!  The cedar board floor will make a safe and secure home indeed!  

Yep, found it at the recent gardening enrichment day I attended!  Didn't take me long to decide to get one, just which one was a bit of a decision!

Want one?  I do have the creator's contact available!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Bee House, got one?

My bucket list has included getting a bee house for quite some time!   Recently a special  neighbor came over with a gift of one!  (Denny had rescued one of her storm doors swinging open and shut I the wind, and fixed the closing arm when she wasn't home).  Bee's need all the help they can get so we can continue raising crops for our country, pretty flowers in our gardens, etc!  They are in crisis, and need our help!

Can't wait to find a special place for this great looking nesting place!  Need to do some additional research to understand more about the location to put it!  Even a home for some butterflies in it!

Denny is going to add a bit of weather proofing finish before it goes up!    We absolutely love it.

By the way, it was purchased at our local Costco store, in case you are interested in one!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Look what I found in my hosta bed yesterday!

Wow, the last of the snow that arrived several days ago is gone... and there they are!

They are always my first of the year floral display out there!  I am sure my sidewalk walkers in the neighborhood are also enjoying the sight!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Wow, just what we anxious gardeners will love!

Check this out!

Click here for the news about Last Frost Date here!

 And while you are at it, sign up for their newsletter!

It is from the University of MN, so you can count on it!   Only 10% chance of frost in May!

Time for Pansy Pots!

Thanks Peg for alerting me to this!  

When you find some interesting gardening news, please share it with me so I can share it!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

A gardening enrichment day!

What a fun day!  150 gardeners from our community gathered together yesterday to learn, network, and soak up inspiration for their gardening plans this spring!  With snow on the ground, this was a welcome day!

Our second annual "Gardening for the Health of It!" was a fabulous experience!  It began with a welcome coffee and rolls, registering for 30 gardening related door prizes, rolled on with a keynote speaker, lunch and choice of 3 out of 12 breakout sessions on various topics and a tour of the college green houses and Horticulture Department!  On top of that there were 7 vendors to shop at including plants, lily bulbs, etc.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Goodbye AZ

Lots of lovely memories of 13 years of sunshine and flowers Jan. thru March!  Time to make a change in our lifestyle once again and we return to future winters in Southern Minnesota!

We had lunch before we left at a favorite Mexican Restaurant.  The food and margarita was wonderful but the flowers outside are a reminder of what I am returning home to Minnesota to enjoy this summer!

Spring is around the corner in Minnesota, a time for renewal and opportunity to explore new plants and flowers!  Yipeeeee!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Orange Blossom Time

It's easy to take a picture to share with you.  I just wish I could capture the fragrance to share with you also!  It is my favorite time in AZ, the air is filled with the heavenly fragrance of orange blossoms!  As we leave this beautiful sunshine state and head home for God's Country, Minnesota, we leave behind this lovely fragrance in the air!