Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Holiday Outdoor decor time!

While it was a decent winter day recently, Denny, put up his Holiday Light display on our home.  It used to be bigger but he has given into a bit of downsizing these days with less ladder climbing, etc.

So, I also took  advantage of the nice weather and did "my thing" for outdoor décor for the holidays!

This year I decided to do "the sled thing" being I found a nice red sled already for the bling at a neighborhood "garage sale" for only $10.   Just could not resist the bargain!

I think I like the change of pace result!

I did add some little white lights for some evening glitter!

And then I added a matching swag beside the garage door where the light and house number are.

Today I decided it was "close enough" to put out..... but lights won't be turned on until Friday evening!  I like to focus on Turkey Day before Christmas!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Winter Porch Pot Time!

Tis that time of the year when garden centers are stocked with winter greens and encouraging us to change our fall focus containers into winter themes!  Yep, those mums and pumpkins
are definitely finding their way to the compost sites!

I received this picture this morning from a friend who was with me the other day exploring where to find a good selection of mixed greens!   With freezing temps in our forecast she wanted to get those greens settled into the potting soil asap!

After the holidays it won't take much to convert this into a "winter theme" for the next few months!  All Rita needs to do is take out the holiday glitter accents and maybe add a little more white or red branches to accent the red cardinal, berries and pine cones!

This creation really helps put me into the "mood" to do mine!   Denny sprayed our yews as well as my assortment of greens with a winter protective spray, while temps were above freezing yesterday, so I am ready to create now!  Thank you, Denny!  ,

For those of you who have been asking me if I was OK because I haven't been updating this blog much recently....  thank you for letting me know you have missed my posts!  I am just fine!  I think  I just ran into a time period that I needed a "break"!