Monday, March 27, 2017

Hostas are peeking up!

Well, in my garage they are!

Part of the huddled mass of Fairy Gardens and Hostas in containers that spent the winter under the boat in our garage.

I noticed the hostas are poking their heads up, so it's time I get busy with my early spring gardening!  Time to get dirt under the fingernails!  What fun digging into those special gardens.  After removing the dead annuals and cleaning up the surviving perennials they get a sprinkle of compost, 10-10-10 fertilizer and water. 

Then  they go onto 2 big carts so they can spend the sunshine days rolled out on the driveway!

First I need to find my little tools and supplies and arrange a work area for me!

Denny gave them a little drink of water yesterday and promised them I'd be out to play with them soon!

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