Monday, March 27, 2017

Hostas are peeking up!

Well, in my garage they are!

Part of the huddled mass of Fairy Gardens and Hostas in containers that spent the winter under the boat in our garage.

I noticed the hostas are poking their heads up, so it's time I get busy with my early spring gardening!  Time to get dirt under the fingernails!  What fun digging into those special gardens.  After removing the dead annuals and cleaning up the surviving perennials they get a sprinkle of compost, 10-10-10 fertilizer and water. 

Then  they go onto 2 big carts so they can spend the sunshine days rolled out on the driveway!

First I need to find my little tools and supplies and arrange a work area for me!

Denny gave them a little drink of water yesterday and promised them I'd be out to play with them soon!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Promise of summer!

Just couldn't resist this for 99 cents!

This puts a smile on my face every time I see it!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sign of spring!

At last, daffodils for sale! 


Next stop at the grocery store I'll pick up another bunch!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Shrinking Vegetables?

Today I am sharing with you a gardening blog that I enjoy!

It is a feature of the Northern Gardener magazine, a magazine for those of us who garden in our Minnesota climate! 

This one caught my eye today even tho it features vegetable gardening.

With my limited gardening space, I only plant flowers, flowering shrubs, hostas, etc.  I just figure that Farmer's Markets are there for a reason and so I leave the growing of fresh local raised vegetables to them!  They appreciate my business!  And, I appreciate their supplying me with  a wide variety of awesome veggies and fruits!

You might enjoy checking out this blog also!

Find out what Shrinking Vegetables is all about CLICK HERE!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Harriett's AZ Fairy Gardens

Wow, I just received this picture from my Fairy Garden Friend in AZ!  She displayed these at the Annual Hobby Show in the "park" she winters at!  She and I had fun presenting a Fairy Garden Seminar in January for our neighbors there.   Harriett created lots of  charming fairy gardens to share her hobby! 

I am expecting some pictures of the individual gardens and I'll share some  of those with you also because the details are to be enjoyed!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Signs of Spring....

One sure sign of spring?   Pussy Willows!

Our neighbors at the lake stopped by for a visit yesterday!  Bill walked in with a special spring gift for me!  A big bouquet of Pussy Willows!   Yep, he got a hug, a big one!

I will think of Bill and Phyl every time I walk thru the living room this spring!  They make me feel so "Happy Spring!"   

With snow forecast for today, I need that feeling badly!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Propagating some succulents

We returned to MN a bit earlier than usual this year.  I brought home a "few" succulents and some of the Fairy Gardens I had created while in AZ.   The succulents I left in MN unattended in January had survived just fine and even needed a bit of pruning!  I looked at the cuttings and decided to do a bit of propagating.  I have experienced rooting cuttings but have not tried just laying some pieces on damp potting soil to get them multiplying.  So, here is my project!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Just could not resist...

While in Walmart recently, I spotted a display of orchids and much to my utter amazement this little one jumped right in my cart all by itself!  That's what I explained to Denny about this adorable little bit of heaven when we checked out!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

It is only 9" high including the pot!  
And it fits right on the window ledge above my kitchen sink!
Love it!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

"Gus" update

It is looking like "Gus" is getting ready to open those buds and show us his flowers soon!  It has warmed up a bit in AZ and he might have been waiting for that?