Monday, January 16, 2017

More roses.....

caught my eye as we drove past the Community College Rose Garden here in Mesa! 

Usually they are all pruned back by now and here were large bushes bursting with blooms!  So, I just had to stop for a few pictures to share with you.  Many bushes were topping out at my eye level in height!

I found a young man busy pruning them back and stopped to chat a bit!  He explained they did not get their usual late December which usually pushes them into their annual dormancy.  So they have just kept growing.  Thus, they are now pruning them to force them into a dormancy status.  He told me to pick whatever roses I'd like right now because they will be cut off soon.  (which signs all over say no picking)  Darn, I didn't have a thing to cut them with, so I just enjoyed taking home some pictures to share! 

1 comment:

  1. How Gorgeous, Karen! I sure do miss the rose garden we were so fortunate to tend and enjoy the last two years in Arizona.
