Friday, October 7, 2016

Parking hostas....

We are waiting for "dryer soil" to have our new holding tank installed at the lake to update our septic system to the current MN code.  This wet summer and fall has given us a new challenge this fall!  Our contractor feels it is too wet to successfully dig the needed hole for the tank so we are all waiting for the ground to dry out!  Meanwhile it keeps raining!  He says he can dig as late as into Nov. if the ground doesn't freeze.  So we are hopeful this will work so it will get installed this year yet!

Of course, the only spot this tank can go and comply with our lot restrictions, is where I have two hosta beds of mature hostas!  No problem I figured, we could lift them out and replant them the next day or two after installation of the tank!  This delay has crossed the safe time to transplant hostas this fall!  My neighbor Hero Bill to the rescue!  He has a veggie garden spot that is empty until spring now and agreed to let me "park my hostas" until spring!

Below is the picture of the two hosta beds after we lifted the hostas out and then a picture of them "parked" in Bill's veggie garden!  There are two huge hostas among those that got relocated!  The root ball on one measured 36 inches in diameter and Hero Denny and Hero Bill got it done!

H. Abba Dabba Do on the move  36" root Ball in saucer sled

Area we had to lift hostas from

Hostas parked in Hero Bill's veggie garden!


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