Thursday, March 3, 2016

Cactus shopping

A friend, Cindy, requested I bring her back a special cactus for her new project, a succulent area on her three season porch in MN!

So, off I went to a fabulous rustic looking nursery in Apache Junction, AZ called "Shady Way Nursery".  I have been going there for 9 years and had only shopped in the area of small potted cactus/succulents.  I was amazed at a rather large nursery in Mesa recommending I go there for this particular cactus variety!

Here is what I found this trip!  It reminded me of shopping for hostas in Minnesota!  Each variety was more beautiful than the next!  This is just a few pictures of what I saw while realizing I could get really excited about growing cactus in AZ if I lived here!

 I didn't  take pictures of the spectacular Mexican pottery in stock!  Next time!

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