Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thinking about my garden beds at home for 2016

Today I was looking through my finished digital scrapbooks and opened up the one I completed in 2011 titled "Karen's  Flower Garden Memories".

Even while I am in AZ in the winter, inspite of being surrounded by sunshine, plants, and flowers,  I think of gardening season in Minnesota.  Maybe it's the rich greens of Minnesota gardening season that I'm craving?  I'm already looking forward to returning home for April to experience the excitement of watching my gardening world begin to unfold for my pleasure!  It's like the whole world comes to life once again with wonder and beauty as my special friends who live in my garden beds come to visit me again!

I decided to share some of  the pages of my digital scrapbook with you for awhile.


  1. What a great page, Karen. I love the contrast of the seasons. The left one is lovely in its own right, and serves to amplify the beauty of the one on the right. You are an artist, my friend!

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