Sunday, February 28, 2016

Miracles grow without Miracle Grow.!

I received an email the other day from my friend, Joan, who lives near I-90 near Stewartville, on the MN tundra out there!  Her tulips are poking up about an inch high on the south side of her house mid February!

Gee, maybe I should pack up and head for home before I miss Spring there!  Let's see if/when she sends me a picture when they are green foliage next!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Fairy Gardens can be small!

This lovely cactus just seemed to be needing a container of it's own to show off in,  But, this lovely Fairy decided to keep it company!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

AZ Desert Scene Fairy Garden

Both Harriett and I were drawn to the darling hut type dwelling and rustic bridge which seemed to require a stream "wash" in case of rain.  This little darling girl with her dog and red wagon seemed just right for this scene.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fairy Gardens AZ Style,....

Seems we are somewhat limited to desert  succulents and cactus for plants for containers here.  But that seems to be an unlimited variety of plants!

Sun loving plants that are easy to care for are a joy to work with!  

Harriett, my fairy garden snowbird friend from South Dakota, arrived with some new elements! So we had fun the other day creating an AZ themed beach scene.  Yes, there are lakes here with beaches midst the desert scenery!  Doesn't that chair look inviting!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

More of my "Karen's Flower Gardening Memories"

These pages reflect my early AZ winter gardening experiences.  It is fun to experience the annual plants of  Minnesota spring and early summer twice, once in January, February and March and then repeat at home starting in May.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thinking about my garden beds at home for 2016

Today I was looking through my finished digital scrapbooks and opened up the one I completed in 2011 titled "Karen's  Flower Garden Memories".

Even while I am in AZ in the winter, inspite of being surrounded by sunshine, plants, and flowers,  I think of gardening season in Minnesota.  Maybe it's the rich greens of Minnesota gardening season that I'm craving?  I'm already looking forward to returning home for April to experience the excitement of watching my gardening world begin to unfold for my pleasure!  It's like the whole world comes to life once again with wonder and beauty as my special friends who live in my garden beds come to visit me again!

I decided to share some of  the pages of my digital scrapbook with you for awhile.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016 Perennial of the Year!

Thinking I need to give this plant a try this year.  Maybe two of them!

Just read an article by RCTC's Horticulture Dept.'s Robin Furth-Dugstad and I'm  inspired to give this plant a chance in my flower bed!  I can always use flowers that bloom late summer to freezing temps!

Robin suggested being sure to mulch it for winter as its roots are shallow and allow 3 years for it to reach maturity.  Robin also recommends part shade is best.  I can do that!  Even grows in clay!

  • Wet Site Tolerant
  • Good for Cut Flowers
  • Attracts Butterflies
  • Deer Resistant
  • Rabbit Resistant
  • Beneficial for Bees

  • Click here for Information on 'Honorine Jobert', 2016 Perennial of the Year

    Friday, February 5, 2016

    "Lighting up our lives in AZ"

    Bougainvillea is blooming all over this area providing lots of punches of color to the landscapes!

    I step out my back door and below is the view I have as I look north! Luscious indeed!  It has been blooming since we arrived January 1st and will still be "lighting up our lives" when we leave the end of March!  

    If I was landscaping a home here I'd certainly make room for several varieties of this plant!