Monday, March 30, 2015

Color on tour!

The AZ  garden tour did provide us with lots of  opportunity to see some glorious color indeed!

Some of that color came from plants that were not familiar to us but some came from plants that we knew well, which brought smiles to our faces.

Russelic equisetiformia  'Coral Fountain'

A Penstemon

Familiar Annuals!


Friday, March 27, 2015

Newer Bougainvillea varieties!

Sorry, I only got the variety name of only one of these!

But, I  did get the pictures of both to share with you!

'Thai Delight'    Yep, pink and light pink and white variegated blooms!

Oh my!  Pink and coral variegated blooms!  Absolutely stunning!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wildlife in desert gardens?

When I spotted this special signage planted in two gardens on the AZ garden tour, I  was reminded of Jane, a special gardener friend back in MN, who also has one in her garden!

I also noticed quite a few more birds were enjoying these garden retreats

Check out the website listed below, your yard may qualify for one of these special garden art pieces!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Raised bed vegetable gardens AZ style

Raised beds for vegetable gardening is popular in AZ!

They add some frames so they can add shade cloth during the high heat temps, which  can be a nice bonus when weeding and watering.  While on the garden tour we found a creative gardener who provided large sun umbrellas to her raised beds which were extremely attractive and convenient to open or close depending on what was needed!

Gee, I need to remember this when/if my hostas get too much sun?

But they don't get the hard rains and winds that summer in the Midwest provides for us! 

Minnesota gardeners checking out gardens in AZ!

Nice for the gardener when weeding, etc. also!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Landscapes with desert plants

There may not be maple or oak trees, yew shrubs and green grass is scarce in AZ but the desert plants provide lots of green.   But look how attractive these homes are landscaped!  Large rocks, concrete hardscape pieces and dry streams add lots of interest to replace our MN green lawns (and snow cover). 

No lawn mowing or snow removal here!  hmmmmm

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Awesome Arizona Roses

Oh what fun it would be to grow roses in AZ!

They are spectacular and bloom  forever it  seems!  No worry about living thru the northern temps in  the winter!  But they should be pruned in  January but within three months they are huge and blooming for the next 9 months!  On the garden tour we found many roses.  The pictures below were taken in one garden which has a heart shaped bed.

Gardening friends, LuAnn and Barb

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Denny's AZ Garden

My husband always tells people we garden as a team, he is the labor and I am the management!

I tell him where to dig and he digs.  He does not weed tho no matter what and where I tell him!  Not enough pay?

But, never fear he has a few plants that are his and even a small hosta bed area.  When we get to AZ in January he takes me plant shopping right away and always finds a left over pile of holiday Amaryllis bulbs and picks one up.  This year it finally sprouted after almost two months of watering and watching! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hostas in AZ!

Believe it or not!

While on an AZ Garden Tour, we found two hostas growing in a container which was sitting in the shade in a corner on a porch!  But, they were hostas!  Just can't keep a hostaholic from growing hostas or from finding them growing!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Flower Power

Tuesday a bunch of us gardening gals decided it was time to quench our hunger for Mexican food! 

We had fun admiring the décor of a popular Mexican restaurant and lingering among the splashy pots of flowers outdoors welcoming us as we arrived!

Just had to share the floral welcome with you.  It felt like we were mid summer in Minnesota!

Friday, March 13, 2015


March is bringing the Oleander plants/shrubs into full  bloom in AZ!

There are so many Oleander plants/shrubs scattered  all over.  They are simply beautiful and provide lots of color impact to the landscapes at homes and commercial plantings as well as along the highways!

Such rich green sturdy leaves are a perfect background for the colorful flowers which seem to be long lasting!

Lots of use regardless of their toxic poison danger, which I find amazing!  Check out the website below for interesting information.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lavender, OH MY!

Often a challenge to grow at home in Minnesota!

Not unusual to see it growing in Arizona!  We were attending a gathering of gardening friends last week and it was abundant in the garden beds.  Bees had gathered thickly but they were honey bees and so busy they ignored us all and kept focused in the lavender!  Nothing like a big bunch of it in bloom for visual impact in a garden!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Desert themed Fairy Garden

Bev completed her all succulent fairy garden!

What a lovely spot for a cold drink?  Or to just relax and admire the scenery!

Certainly not much maintenance for this garden!  Sun with water once a week!  This garden will travel home with Bev in April to enjoy the fresh air and lushness of summer in Iowa after spending a month or so in Bev's home!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Fairy Garden for indoors

Today we completed Carolyn's plan for an indoor low maintenance Fairy Garden!

The only maintenance will be dusting it!  She did a fabulous job shopping for artificial succulent style plants for her AZ home fairy garden!  In the summer, you can find Carolyn in Canada!   This was designing by committee with three of us making design decisions on this fun place for Fairies to frolic!  I'm not sure who had the most fun, Carolyn, Harriet or me!

What a lovely place for a fairy and her rabbit friend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Garden Tours in AZ

I just purchased my ticket for the annual Master Gardener Garden Tour for the  AZ Maricopa County area.

I am looking forward to joining friends in about 10 days for this self guided car tour, like I did last year.  So, I looked up the pictures I took on the tour last year to refresh my memory of the plantings we saw.  Gardens in this area are quite different and it is interesting comparing them to what we usually see on our own Garden Tours in Minnesota.

Last year one of the interesting and beautiful plants we saw was the Pyracantha Coccinea.  It definitely got our attention as we approached the gate to enter a private garden.

As you can see, it is a very tall shrub that is colorful with rich green leaves.  Research confirms it is great for this desert climate as it grows in  zones 6 to 9.