Monday, February 20, 2017

Thinking Hosta's....

One of my favorite hosta's.  It's a rather common and older variety but adds lots of color and interest in the spring and early summer before it turns a solid green color and becomes a lovely green accent to it's neighboring plants.

It also is usually a modest priced plant!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How to identify a succulent!

Oh so many varieties! So often they are not identified when your purchase them!

I found an awesome website that is helpful!  It has simply awesome pictures and information about each plant as well as tips on growing them!  It has tips on identifying them also!

Hows to identify your succulent plant....CLICK HERE!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sharing some information with you....

I Just read an excellent article on the care of succulents.  I enjoy them as they are so easy to care for and so different from the usual annuals and perennials I grow in Minnesota!  They can be grown year around in Minnesota by bringing them indoors for the winter! 

Check this link out.... CLICK HERE!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Time for a Fairy Garden using indoor plants!

I'll enjoy this one at home indoors this summer!  By using indoor plants, it will be pretty versatile and I'll have to keep an eye on pruning it back often!

Notice the little gnome climbing out of his tunnel?

Friday, February 3, 2017

How about a cup of Az landscape?

This was so fun to do, the cup is only 4 inches high, the red chair is only 1 inch high and the wishing well is 1 1/4 inch high! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cocktail anyone?

How's this for Mini Fairy Garden?

It was such fun creating this!