Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter hostas

Hosta bed in SE Minnesota in December!

Hopefully they are sleeping soundly now!  Let's hope nobody moves the name tags!  The rope around the edge of the bed is to discourage people walking on them! 

December Hosta bed!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Red Headed Irishman!

I simply love this cactus!

I purchased it because of the shape without knowing what it was all about!

Much to my delight it frequently blooms with these awesome bright pink blossoms!  The first time they marched all around near the top of the cactus and now they just pop out every so often!  It has been growing larger in the 9 month's I've had it but I see I can expect it to mature to about 12 inches tall! 

To learn more about this charming plant CLICK HERE

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Proud Berry

A year ago Jan Vitse, a Rochester floral arranger,  provided a program to our garden club featuring holiday arrangements.  We were all intrigued by branches of pink berries she introduced us to as she added them to an arrangement she was making!

Yep, while shopping this spring I found a 'Proven Winners' shrub named 'Proud Berry', which she had used!  Yep, I bought one and planted it in almost full sun.  Yep, it grew well and started producing beautiful pink berries on its branches!  Yep, I love it!  No I haven't picked any yet!  But I will soon!
For the first year I think it did well!  Can't wait until next year's crop!

For more information about this shrub....CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gus is growing!

Update on "Gus", the Agave living at Stone's in Mesa, AZ
Previous pictures were on Nov. 23rd Blog!

Taken Dec. 4th 2016

Taken Dec. 11th 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Summer invitation for a cup of coffee.....

With the winter weather outside, a visit to summer memories seems in order!

This little fairy seems to be taking a coffee break but has room to share with a friend if one should stop by for a chat!

August 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

Winter White

Recently, one of our garden club members, with floral design talents, presented us with a program on holiday arrangements using silk floral materials.  The color focus was white with winter greens, which resulted in lovely winter arrangements! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Reuse, recycle....

How's this for an outdoor winter decoration?

This year's cost was about $6.00.   That was for 6 stems of greens this year!   I added more green stems by removing a few of the back ones from a Porch Pot I purchased at Cosco.  The red berries I recycled from last year's Porch Pot.  The twig base is recycled from a wall hanging I purchased about 10 years ago at a garage sale!  I think it is about the nicest one I've ever done!