Sunday, January 31, 2016

Denny's looking for his golf clubs now....

I wonder if he'll recognize them?    Maybe he'll recognize his golf ball and tee?

He hasn't found his golf shoes yet!  

Thanks Beth Solie,  I saw your planters on the Garden Tour last year and have been waiting to do my version this year in AZ!  Yep, I'll  do another version at home in MN this spring!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stretched out succulents?

Do you have a problem with some of your succulents growing kind of stretched out?

How to  fix them?  How to prevent that?   Found this interesting website that has those answers for us!

Just click on it and learn fast!

What to do with "stretched out" succulents!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Need to grow veggies in the front yard?

But how to do this and have it looking attractive enough for the front yard?

Idea on growing veggies in the front yard!

Click on the above link for a fabulous plan for growing veggies in your front yard that is very attractive!

This is a post from Garden Gate, which you might enjoy subscribing to for their email posts!

The magazine is awsome also, by the way!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Succulent planters! No price tag on these tho!

Spotted  these awesome succulent planters at a Garden Nursery!

 A real plant nursery, which is rare in this part of the world!  Most plants are  sold in the big Big Stores Garden Centers!  

It would be a bit difficult to get one of these home so I left them there!   

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

When its too windy for hot air balloons to fly....

you get your fingers dirty and build a miniature Arizona garden!

Friday we were visiting our friends in Lake Havasu City to attend a Hot Air Balloon Festival.  It was too windy for the balloons to fly!  So we needed to find something else to do. Cindy asked me where I had purchased my cactus and succulent plants in Az.  When I told her at Home Depot she brightened up and said "We have one of those here, let's go. I want you to help me build a cactus garden to take home to MN!"  So, off we went to Home Depot!  A few hours later:

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sun City West AZ Garden Club Plant Sale

Yep, of course, Garden Clubs are all over this country!

They all seem to have plant sales as fundraisers!   

Awesome plants and awesome low prices!  These appear to be plants they have propagated themselves for their sales!   I'll have to come back at sale time!

I just had to stroll down this walk and check out that greenhouse!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Denny's golf shoes....

I wonder how long before he finds them?

I copied this idea from Beth Solie's garden, which was on a garden tour last year!  She used MN hardy succulents, I've used desert succulents for these.   Love them!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

So, what do you do when it rains in AZ?

Go plant shopping, of course!

So Harriet and Jan and I did just that!  Below are my purchases, except for Denny's two Amarylis.   The Asian theme fairy garden came back to Az with me, but is all plants purchased here last Jan.!  But I have a new plant to add to it!

Today I get some potting soil for a fun pair of planters!

Most of them are all preplanted containers which were so nice and so affordable, I just couldn't resist.  I'll enjoy them here and take them home with me in April to enjoy longer!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Roses in January

Yes, AZ is perfect for growing roses! 

This is blooming in our mini garden yard in the Senior Living Mobile Home Community this winter.  Arriving in time for New Year's Eve, this was a sunny welcome indeed!

So glad there is at least one rose bush for me to enjoy.  Later I'll be sharing with you the rest of the plants in our mini garden yard.  

A promise of what is ahead this winter!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Santa Hats!

Adorable?   Creative!   Makes one smile!

Denny saw this holiday decorated cactus the other day and couldn't resist taking a picture!  Glad he did.  

Interesting how fast the holiday decorations come down in AZ!  Seems like NY Day everyone was outside undecorating! Maybe its cuz its not so cold outside?

Friday, January 1, 2016

New record set!

Well,  I made it 17 hours in Mesa, AZ before I purchased a plant!  According to my husband, this is a new record, it usually takes a few days!

I was stocking up on groceries at Cosco for our winter season abode and here was this wonderful display of succulent planters!  I recalled with a smile that I had just the place for it in a seating area on the porch!  So, it noticed my smile and hopped right in the cart!  Of course, I just had to take it home then!  Happy New Year to me!

It  will come back home to MN with me and I'll enjoy it inside until warmer weather arrives in May and then it will reside outdoors until Oct.  Maybe it will enjoy cabin life this summer?  

A New Year celebration planter