Sunday, May 31, 2015

Climatis time...

Before I realized it, my first Climatis is blooming already!  She is one of my favorites!  They have been growing like crazy in this weather!  All 10 of my climatis arrived back this year so I am feeling lucky.  It is the 2nd year in a row I've had this good fortune!  Maybe I have finally found 10 that are happy in my environment for them?

Climatis  'Asao'

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Another "Spring Thing" in the shade....

Gently arching branches with dangling creamy bells....

Solomen's Seal is so perfect in shade gardens and there are several varieties to pick from!

I even have a dwarf variety in my Mini/Small hosta bed!

I spotted this one  growing in Cindy's Open Garden among some hostas!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another Hosta welcoming Spring!

This hosta is one of my biggest joys in the hosta world! 

I can't seem to photograph it enough!  I have seven of them at the lake and never get tired of looking at them!  They are beautiful when they are unfurling like this one and they are also spectacular when they are fully open! 

H. Montana Aureomarginata'Aureomarginata'

This is a big vase shape hosta!  A bit slow growing unless you start it from a piece of a mature one.  But, worth the wait!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hostas are "A Spring Thiing"

They always look their best once they are greeting us after their long winter nap!  Especially after a refreshing spring rain!
H. Spartacus

Minnesota proud...born and bred in MN! 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Spring Thing....

Cindy's Annual Open Garden for Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN members!

Always an event we don't miss!  It's an opportunity to greet friends/members to mingle and share the appreciation of a fabulous retreat filled with hostas and their companion plants in a mostly naturalized setting

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mushrooms growing in your lawn and garden?

This one could sure stay in my yard!

But it is an original one and only designed and made by my friend and gardener, Sharon P.!  She said it was fun to make but won't do another one, lots of work!  Sharon is a very creative talented woman!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Enchanting planters

for a special fairy garden, or course!

Finally, I had an opportunity to take "My Josie" to Hillside Nursery in Chatfield MN!   A wonderland to take kids along when plant shopping.  Chickens, ducks, cats, baby animals including a charming calf to pet!  And a few huge fairy gardens on display!

Of course, we were heading into the Fairy Plant area first, which is the best in Southeastern MN, and then moved to the check out area, which has a fabulous collection of fairy garden accessories!  Josie had some of her own money along to spend so did some careful shopping for some new items for her 3 fairy gardens!

We were both enchanted with the miniature planters filled with real plants (cuttings from succulents).  Josie was thrilled to be able to take one home with her!

Sunday, May 10, 2015



Who says Hostas are boring? 

This one really catches your attention and they are planted right in front of this home near the entrance!

This spectacular sight greeted me when I went to our Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN Committee meeting for their Annual Hosta Sale that is approaching June 6th!

And, they aren't even fully open yet!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A shopping we will go, a shopping we will go.....

Six of us gardening friends went plant shopping together in one car and two vans.  We traveled in a caravan into NE Iowa into the Mennonite area where they have awesome garden centers filled with plants at awesome prices.

Great day to enjoy each other, plant shopping, lunch and great weather!    I think it was about 170 miles round trip, so we had lots of time to chat along the way!

More plant shopping ideas...

Support your local Horticulture School, they are training the future people who will enhance your gardening experiences!

Our local Horticulture Educational opportunity is at RCTC here in Rochester.

Part of their learning experience is learning how to sell the plants they've grown,  so support their Plant Sales.  You also get an opportunity to buy healthy plants at great prices!

 Below are the dates and location for the Rochester MN area:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ideas to display containers!

While we were in Iowa shopping there were several garden centers that had attractive displays set up to provide ideas.

Actually many of them were creative ideas on how to  display your own containers at home.

Darn, I just knew I should have bought that adorable patio set my neighbor had on sale last year!
Yep, I saw several fairy gardens!


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tip toe thru the tulips......

While at Deb's we also were treated to the sight of several patches of an eye catching little  tulip!

I  need to put this on my fall list of things to get and add to my spring border between the hostas!
Tulip Daystemon Tarda, a species tulip

Check this out for more information on this beauty!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Natives that stop you in your tracks when you see them......

They leave you breathless once you see them!

Then you softly ask, what are they?

My gardening friend, Deb, has not one but two patches of these stunning beauties, which are natives enjoying a woodland like area of her gardens.  They were a pass-a-long plant from special friends who influenced her gardening over many years of time.  What an awesome memory every spring of a special couple in her life! 

Double bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Multiplex’